It is the capital of Mato Grosso, which is in the region of the center-west of Brazil. The city was discovered and founded in 1719 by Pascoal Moreira Cabral and Miguel Sutil, two bandeirantes (adventurers from São Paulo who set off in search of gold and labor for the sugarcane and coffee plantations). Since then, the city has not evolved much until the early 1970s and 1980s, to reach a population of 585,000 or 856,000 in 2016 if we count the great Cuiabá (including Várzea Grande).
Cuiabá was one of the 12 Brazilian cities to host the 2014 FIFA World Cup with its Arena Pantanal stadium. Cuiabá is located about 100 km from Pantanal and you can access its famous wetland from its airport.
Located at coordinates 15°35'56",80 (latitude) and 56°06'05",55 (longitude) ; Cuiaba is the geodesic center of South America. In other words, it is located at an equal distance from the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean.